Day- 1
August 09, 2023
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Registration & Networking Tea
10.00 AM to 11:00 AM
10.00 AM to 10.05 AM
Arrival of Guests & Welcome of the Dignitaries
10.05 AM to 10.10 AM
Welcome Address
Mr. Arun Gupta, Director General, TEPC
10.10 AM to 10.15 AM
Special Remarks
Mrs. Mesenbet Shenkute, President, Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations
10.15 AM to 10.22 AM
Introductory Remarks
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Chairman & Managing Director, Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) India
10.22 AM to 10.30AM
Special Address
Engr. Balcha Reba, Director General, Ethiopian Communications Authority
10.30 AM to 10.40 AM
India Ethiopia Relationship- Special Remarks
H.E. Mr. Robert Shetkintong, Ambassador of India in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
10.40 AM to 10:50 AM
Key Note Address
Mr. Sunil Kumar Verma, Joint Secretary, Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Government of India
10.50 AM to 11.00 AM
Guest of Honour Address
H.E. Ms. Huria Ali, State Minister of Information Communication Technology & Digital Economy
11.00 AM to 11.05 AM
Vote of Thanks
Mr. Jai Prakash, Group Leader, Group Leader, Centre for Development of Telematics, India
Invitation for Exhibition Walk
Exhibition Walk
11.05 AM to 11:30 AM
Session 1: Telecom Infrastructure: Accelerating 5G Led Growth
- Moderator: Mr. Rajesh Tuli, Managing Director, Coral telecom Limited, India
- 5-7 minutes presentations/speech each from panelists across Industry, and Institutional Investors followed by suggestions from industry participants
11:30 AM to 12:15 PM
Details of Panelists
To be designated from Ethio-Telecom
Mr. Dawit Birhanu, CEO, WebSprix
Mr. Kumar Satyam, Chief Executive Officer, CEQU Labs Pvt. Ltd., India
Pankaj Bhardwaj, Head of Sales Africa, Tech Mahindra, Ethiopia
Ketan Bavaria, Head of Africa Business for Truebyl, Eppix E-solutions Ltd.
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Session 2 : Technology & Skill Development
- Moderator: Mr. Reapan Tikoo, Chief Executive Officer, Powai Labs Technology Pvt. Ltd., India
- 5-7 minutes presentations/speech each from panelists across Industry, and Institutional followed by suggestions from industry participants:
1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
Details of Panelists
Dr Abiyot Sinamo Chirf Executi National Electronic Government Development,
Mr. Yilikal Abate, President ICT-ET (Private Sector Association for ICT Companies)
Mr. Chandrakumar Chettiar, Founder & CEO, OptimusLogic Systems India Private Limited, India
Speaker for India
Speaker from India/ Ethiopia/ Africa
Exhibition & B2B continues till 5:00 PM
Day- 2
August 10, 2023
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Registration & Networking Tea
Session 3: Telecom and Cyber Security
- Moderator: Mr. Sharad Arora, Founder Director, Mashmari, India
- 7 minutes presentations/speech each from panelists across Industry, and Institutional Investors followed by suggestions from industry participants
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Details of Panelists
Mr. Amit Pasari, Managing Director, XS Infosol Pvt. Ltd., India
To be designated from Information Network Administration of Ethiopia
Mr. Faris Mubarek, Managing Director, Zsecuredtech Plc.
Mr. Jaspreet Singh, Director, Kirat Communications Private Limited, India
Session 4: Transformative Power of Technology
- Moderator: Mr. Jai Prakash, Group Leader, Centre for Development of Telematics, India
- 5-7 minutes presentations/speech each from panelists across Industry, and Institutional followed by suggestions from industry participants
11.00 AM-12:00 PM
Details of Panelists
Mr. Sridhar Rayasam, Vice President (Business Development), OptimusLogic Systems India Private Limited, India
Dr. Abiyot Bayu, Senior Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Innovation and Technology
Mr. Nael Hailemariam, Co-founder and CEO, Chapa Financial Technology S.C.
Binish Vettickal, Sales Director, Asttecs Communications Pvt. Ltd., India
Mr. Vivek Chandra, Deputy General Manager, Telecom Consultants India Limited, India
Session 5: India Africa Technology Collaboration
- Moderator: Mr. Rajneesh Khullar, Sr. Vice President- International Sales & Global GTG Head
- 5-7 minutes presentations/speech each from panelists across Industry, and Institutional followed by suggestions from industry participants :
12.00 PM-1.00 PM
Details of Panelists
Mr. Shivanandham Muthuswamy, Chief Executive Officer, CIG Incorporation, India
H.E. Amb Gebeyehu Ganga Gayito, Director General for Middle East, Asia & Pacific Affairs Directorate
Jeremiah Kiplagat, Director, Kenya Power and Lighting Company
John Orutwa, Chief Technology Officer, Bandwidth and Cloud Services
Yvette Nsabimana, Head Procurement, Burundi Backbone services
Brian Kariuki, Senior Project Officer, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Authority
Mr. Subhendu Mohapatra, Strategic Advisor, AFRICOM Ethiopia
1 PM to 2 PM
Exhibition & B2B meetings continues till 5:00 PM